Attack 2 and Attack 3 etc.... This walkthru will allow you to create a multiple attack skill for whatever class you desire. Obvioulsy, ATTACK2 = 2 attacks per round, ATTACK3 = 3 attacks per round This skill is implemented on Circlemud 3.1. DO NOT blame me if this messes up your mud blah blah In fight.c find : hit(ch, FIGHTING(ch), TYPE_UNDEFINED); add below it : if (!IS_NPC(ch)) { if (rand_number( 1, 100 ) < GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_ATTACK2) / 2) /* 50% chance to activate */ hit(ch, FIGHTING(ch), TYPE_UNDEFINED); } if (!IS_NPC(ch)) { if (rand_number( 1, 100 ) < GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_ATTACK3) / 4) /* 25% chance to activate*/ hit(ch, FIGHTING(ch), TYPE_UNDEFINED); } close and save fight.c open spell_parser.c find : skillo(SKILL_TRACK, "track"); below last skillo entry add: skillo(SKILL_ATTACK2, "second"); skillo(SKILL_ATTACK3, "third"); close and save spell_parser.c in spells.h: define the skills, such as mine... #define SKILL_ATTACK2 141 /* change this number to coincide with your own */ #define SKILL_ATTACK3 142 close and save spells.h Last, open class.c and add the skill to whatever class you want to have these skills and just enter in same format as the other skills listed...for example, my warrior listing: spell_level(SKILL_ATTACK2, CLASS_WARRIOR, 20); spell_level(SKILL_ATTACK3, CLASS_WARRIOR, 30); close and save class.c type make and that should do it... Obviously you can even make attack 4 or more if you desire... No credit asked, just trying to contribute since I have "taken" so much from here... Realm Doom of Europa : 2002 Still in pre-pre Alpha but come by and say hello :)