From: tigeba Subject: reply function for boards Thanks, I completely had a mental block there. Anyway, without further ado here is my shameless hack of the board.c code, and a little function that allows players to reply to board messages feel free to use it if you like it. I think all the changes are contained in boards.c so let me know if I forgot anything. Enjoy, Ok, add the following function to boards.c and make sure to prototype it at the top of the file void Board_reply_message(int board_type, struct char_data * ch, char *arg) { char *tmstr; int len, msg, ind; time_t ct; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], buf2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char number[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; one_argument(arg, number); if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < WRITE_LVL(board_type)) { send_to_char("You are not holy enough to write on this board.\r\n", ch); return; } if (num_of_msgs[board_type] >= MAX_BOARD_MESSAGES) { send_to_char("The board is full.\r\n", ch); return; } if ((NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).slot_num = find_slot()) == -1) { send_to_char("The board is malfunctioning - sorry.\r\n", ch); log("SYSERR: Board: failed to find empty slot on write."); return; } /* skip blanks */ if (!*number) return; if (!isdigit(*number) || (!(msg = atoi(number)))) return; if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < READ_LVL(board_type)) { send_to_char("You try to reply but fail in your sneaky tactic.\r\n",ch); return; } if (!num_of_msgs[board_type]) { send_to_char("The board is empty!\r\n", ch); return; } if (msg < 1 || msg > num_of_msgs[board_type]) { send_to_char("That message exists only in your imagination.\r\n", ch); return; } ind = msg -1; if (MSG_SLOTNUM(board_type, ind) < 0 || MSG_SLOTNUM(board_type, ind) >= INDEX_SIZE) { send_to_char("Sorry, the board is not working.\r\n", ch); log("SYSERR: Board is screwed up."); return; } if (!(MSG_HEADING(board_type, ind))) { send_to_char("That message appears to be screwed up.\r\n", ch); return; } if (!(msg_storage[MSG_SLOTNUM(board_type, ind)])) { send_to_char("That message seems to be empty.\r\n", ch); return; } ct = time(0); tmstr = (char *) asctime(localtime(&ct)); *(tmstr + strlen(tmstr) - 1) = '\0'; sprintf(buf2, "(%s)", GET_NAME(ch)); sprintf(buf, "%6.10s %-12s :: Re: %s", tmstr, buf2, (MSG_HEADING(board_type, ind)+26)); len = strlen(buf) + 1; if (!(NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * len) )) { send_to_char("The board is malfunctioning - sorry.\r\n", ch); return; } strcpy(NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading, buf); NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).heading[len - 1] = '\0'; NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).level = GET_LEVEL(ch); send_to_char("Write your message. (/s saves /h for help)\r\n\r\n",ch); act("$n starts to write a message.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); if (!IS_NPC(ch)) SET_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(ch), PLR_WRITING); ch->desc->str = &(msg_storage[NEW_MSG_INDEX(board_type).slot_num]); ch->desc->max_str = MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH; ch->desc->mail_to = board_type + BOARD_MAGIC; num_of_msgs[board_type]++; } Next, make the following changes to the SPECIAL(gen_board); Search for: CMD_READ = find_command("read"); CMD_WRITE = find_command("write"); CMD_REMOVE = find_command("remove"); CMD_LOOK = find_command("look"); CMD_EXAMINE = find_command("examine"); CMD_REPLY = find_command("reply"); <------ add Directly below: if (cmd != CMD_WRITE && cmd != CMD_LOOK && cmd != CMD_EXAMINE && cmd != CMD_READ && cmd != CMD_REMOVE && cmd != CMD_REPLY) <----- add return 0; Search for: Board_write_message(board_type, ch, argument); return 1; } else if (cmd == CMD_REPLY){ <---- Add (Board_reply_message(board_type, ch, argument)); <---- Add return 1; } else if (cmd == CMD_LOOK || cmd == CMD_EXAMINE) return (Board_show_board(board_type, ch, argument)); Compile and that should be it..