My tutorial on how to add FILE DECLARATIONS, a COMMAND to report to that file, and a COMMAND to view that file online. X will be a variable for you to change. ****Adding a file**** ---In db.h find: # define BUG_FILE and under it add: #define X_FILE LIB_MISC"X" ---Now go into your lib/misc directory Create a file called X, make sure it has no file extension (ex: .txt or .ttf) ***DONE! ****Adding a command to report to that file**** ---In act.other.c find: case SCMD_IDEA: filename = IDEA_FILE; break; Just before default add: case SCMD_X: filename = X_FILE; break; ---Now in interpreter.h find: #define SCMD_IDEA 2 And under it add: #define SCMD_X 3 ^ This is the next number, change it if necessary ---Now in interpreter.c, in the prototypes section add: ACMD(do_X); ---Then in the master command list add { "X" , POS_DEAD , do_gen_write, 0, SCMD_X }, ***DONE! ****Adding a command to view the file online**** ---First of all in act.other.c (I added it in act.wizard.c), to the bottom of the file, add: ACMD(do_gen_vfile) { char syscom[120]; FILE *pfp; char *filename; int number = 0; one_argument(argument, arg); if (!*arg || !isdigit(*arg)) number = 20; else number = atoi(arg); if (number > 100) { send_to_char("MAX LINES AT ONE TIME CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 100!\r\n" , ch); return; } switch (subcmd) { case SCMD_V_X: filename = X_FILE; break; default: send_to_char("Invalid command: do_gen_vfile\r\n", ch); return; break; } sprintf(syscom, "tail -%d %s", number, filename); if ((pfp = popen(syscom, "r")) == NULL) { send_to_char("No entries found\r\n", ch); return; } sprintf(buf2, "Contents of file:\r\n"); send_to_char(buf2, ch); while (fgets(syscom, 120, pfp) != NULL) { sprintf(buf2, "%s\r", syscom); send_to_char(buf2, ch); } pclose(pfp); } ---In interpreter.h, at the end of the file add: /* do_gen_vfile */ #define SCMD_V_X 0 ---Now in interpreter.c, in the prototypes section add: ACMD(do_gen_vfile); ---Then in the master command list add { "X" , POS_DEAD , do_gen_vfile, LVL_AIMP, SCMD_V_X }, ***DONE! Okay this should work, it was tested on CircleMUD 3.0 bpl16. If there any bugs please e-mail me at and I'll see if I can help you. I don't want any credit, I would just like to thank whoever wrote Vbug, Videa and Vtypo, because I created this tutorial based on their code. Bejhan Jetha AKA Chaos of Chrono Apocolypse MUD, Builders are always welcome (