Here's my implementation of the OMNI command. I say that like I'm totally comfortable with it. The fact is, I never heard of it until recently when an immortal on my MUD mentioned it. It doesn't make much difference to have this command, really. I use it to just get a quick idea what and how everyone is doing. This will sometimes lead me to use another custom command I have called FLUX. Anyway, it basically lists all the mortals and tells you how healthy they are, where they are, what position they are in (fighting, resting, etc.) and a few other unimportant things. To plug this in your CircleMUD, just plop the following function in act.wazard.c... /* -CMS- */ ACMD(do_omni) { struct char_data *tch; char tmp[256]; int count = 0; send_to_char("Lvl Class Room Name " "Health Position\r\n", ch); for (tch = character_list; tch; tch = tch->next) if (!IS_NPC(tch) && GET_LEVEL(tch) < LVL_IMMORT) { sprintf(tmp, "%2d %4s %-5d %-20s %3d%% %s\r\n", GET_LEVEL(tch), CLASS_ABBR(tch), world[IN_ROOM(tch)].number, GET_NAME(tch), (int)(GET_HIT(tch)*100)/GET_MAX_HIT(tch), position_types[(int)GET_POS(tch)]); send_to_char(tmp, ch); count++; } if (!count) send_to_char(" No mortals are on!\r\n", ch); } ...and then add the declaration and command to interpreter.c, like: ACMD(do_omni); ...and... { "omni" , POS_DEAD , do_omni , LVL_ADMIN, 0}, Piece of cake. -Rodger ( 5150)