Here is a command that will send a warning message to a player of your choice, it is an easy way to remind them of your rules. If a player is summoning aggresive mobiles to a newbie area, just pop him a warning message and he will surely stop. If you don't use easycolor, you should remove all the \\cXX codes. [WARNING] : Your message -----------------------------[ Step One ]----------------------------- /* Add this to act.wizard.c */ ACMD(do_warning) { struct char_data *vict; half_chop(argument, arg, buf); if (!*arg) { send_to_char("Send a warning to who?\r\n", ch); return; } if (!(vict = get_char_vis(ch, arg, FIND_CHAR_WORLD))) { send_to_char(NOPERSON, ch); return; } if (IS_NPC(vict)) { send_to_char(NOPERSON, ch); return; } if (GET_LEVEL(ch) < GET_LEVEL(vict)) { send_to_char("You should not warn people who are holier than yourself.\r\n", ch); return; } if (ch == vict) { send_to_char("Warning yourself, eh?.\r\n", ch); return; } if (!*buf) { send_to_char("You must enter a warning message.\r\n", ch); return; } send_to_char("\\c25[\\c08WARNING\\c25] \\c14: \\c13", vict); send_to_char(buf, vict); send_to_char("\\c00\r\n", vict); if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_NOREPEAT)) send_to_char("Sent.\r\n", ch); else { sprintf(buf2, "You send '%s' to %s.\r\n", buf, GET_NAME(vict)); send_to_char(buf2, ch); } } /* end of warning code */ -----------------------------[ Step Two ]----------------------------- Add this to interpreter.c, under wave { "warning" , POS_DEAD , do_warning , LVL_IMMORT, 0 }, Do not forget to add ACMD(do_warning); in the prototype list... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Do whatever you want with this piece of code. Enjoy it, hate it, smash it, remake it...... If you decide to use it, please send me a mail, including the address to your mud. A line in your credit file is of course also appreciated / Hugor (