Scholastic Matchmakers, Step by Step
Step 2: How to customize your survey
The standard surveys available on this site are based on the most popular
questions nationwide last year. Survey A is oriented toward slightly more
mature students than Survey B. You must choose one and only one survey for
use at your school. However, you may customize your survey for your school.
There are several ways to do this:
- You may eliminate or modify questions from a standard survey
- You may put question from one survey onto the other.
- You may modify, add, or delete answers to a standard survey question
- You may add entirely original questions or answers
Important Reminder:
Only unaltered questions and answers from a standard
survey can appear in the Descriptive Paragraph on every Compatibility List,
even though all questions, modified or otherwise, will be used for matching
How to get your customized survey
You will soon be able to use our on-line survey generator to create and
print custom surveys instantly. Until then, please call us at 1-800-51-MATCH
to find out more information on how to customize your survey.
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Scholastic Matchmakers can be contacted at (800) 51-MATCH or
Pages designed and maintained by
Last updated: 25 Sept 1995