Scholastic Matchmakers, Step by Step
Step 3: Hints for distributing and collecting your surveys
A majority of people who complete surveys will buy Compatibility Lists, so it
is extremely important to try to get every single person in your school to
complete a survey. Several suggestions:
- Hand out surveys at the same time, on the same day, in class, to every single
person in the school. Try to get fifteen minutes at the beginning of
homeroom, or second period classes, etc.
- Give people fifteen minutes to complete the surveys, then collect the surveys
immediately. Do not expect people to hand in surveys at the end of the day,
or even at the end of class-- Many people will take the surveys home and
forget them.
- Make sure that everyone knows what the survey is for when they receive it.
If teachers are handing out the surveys, make sure that they explain to the
class that the survey is totally free, it is part of a charitable activity,
and it will be fun.
- Never charge anyone for the surveys.
- Allow several days for people who were absent, late, lazy, or forgetful to
get and complete a survey. You may want to set official "makeup" times.
Continue maximum publicity during this time.
- Hand out and collect surveys during lunch for several days in addition to
distributing the surveys to everyone in class.
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Last updated: 25 Sept 1995