Special Procedures and Rooms

From: Scott D. Treppa (harvey@gatecoms.gatecom.com)
Date: 11/11/94

How would I go about doing the following Procedure for a room:

I want a doorbell in the atrium of a player house.
And whenever a player 'uses' it, it tells the owner of the house
that someone is ringing your door bell or something?....

The Player wanting in:
> use doorbell
You ring <Player that owns house>'s doorbell.

The player who owns the house:
<Player thats ringing> is at your house and ringing your doorbell.

Any suggestions on doing that?

Thanks in advance.
# Scott Donald Treppa # University of Curiosity Class of 97'#
#   19428 Glenmore    #######################################
#  Redford, Mi 48240  #      #  'I can't help that          # 
##############################           I'm so Great!'     #
#     harvey@gatecom.com     #        -A very wise man (ME) # 

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