Re: grouping mobs

From: Ja vel Bosdal (
Date: 03/30/95

They dont need to be grouped.. just add em to the sarges followers list..

God against man, man against God, man against nature, God against man, man 
against God, man against nature, nature against man, nature against God, 
             God against nature...very funny religion!

On Thu, 30 Mar 1995, Melissa wrote:

>   I hate being reduced to asking newbieish questions, but this one also 
> has me stumped. How do I group mobs?!? Okay, I prolly could use the 
> reserved group affection without blowing up the system, but that wouldn't 
> establish a master. Would it? What I am hoping to achieve, is a sarge 
> being the leader, with the 5 or so guards following him.

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