though each file is unique, here is an example that I wrote to give you an idea.... /* ************************************************************************ * file: purgeplay.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: purge useless chars from playerfile * * All Rights Reserved * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 The Trustees of The Johns Hopkins University * ************************************************************************* */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <strings.h> #include <sys/types.h> typedef signed char sbyte; typedef unsigned char ubyte; typedef signed short int sh_int; typedef unsigned short int ush_int; typedef char bool; typedef char byte; #define LEVEL_IMPL 60 #define LEVEL_CIMP 59 #define LEVEL_GRGOD 58 #define LEVEL_GOD 57 #define LEVEL_DEMIGOD 56 #define LEVEL_AVATAR 55 #define LEVEL_WBUILD 54 #define LEVEL_QUESTOR 53 #define LEVEL_AMBASADOR 52 #define LEVEL_IMMORT 51 #define PLR_KILLER (1 << 0) #define PLR_THIEF (1 << 1) #define PLR_FROZEN (1 << 2) #define PLR_DONTSET (1 << 3) /* Dont EVER set (ISNPC bit) */ #define PLR_WRITING (1 << 4) #define PLR_MAILING (1 << 5) #define PLR_CRASH (1 << 6) #define PLR_SITEOK (1 << 7) #define PLR_NOSHOUT (1 << 8) #define PLR_NOTITLE (1 << 9) #define PLR_DELETED (1 << 10) #define PLR_LOADROOM (1 << 11) #define PLR_NOWIZLIST (1 << 12) #define PLR_NODELETE (1 << 13) #define PLR_INVSTART (1 << 14) #define PLR_CRYO (1 << 15) #define SECS_PER_REAL_MIN 60 #define SECS_PER_REAL_HOUR (60*SECS_PER_REAL_MIN) #define SECS_PER_REAL_DAY (24*SECS_PER_REAL_HOUR) #define SECS_PER_REAL_YEAR (365*SECS_PER_REAL_DAY) #define MAX_PWD_LENGTH 10 #define HOST_LEN 30 #define MAX_SKILLS 128 #define MAX_TOUNGE 3 #define MAX_AFFECT 32 #define MAX_PWD_LENGTH_NEW 10 #define HOST_LEN_NEW 30 #define MAX_SKILLS_NEW 250 #define MAX_TOUNGE_NEW 3 #define MAX_TITLE_LEN_NEW 80 #define MAX_XDESC_LEN_NEW 240 #define MAX_NAME_LEN_SAVE_NEW 20 #define MAX_AFFECT_NEW 32 #define MAX_POOF_NEW 250 struct char_ability_data_new { sbyte str; sbyte str_add; sbyte intel; sbyte wis; sbyte dex; sbyte con; }; struct char_point_data_new { sh_int mana; sh_int max_mana; sh_int hit; sh_int max_hit; sh_int move; sh_int max_move; sh_int armor; int gold; int bank_gold; int exp; sbyte hitroll; sbyte damroll; }; struct char_special2_data_new { long idnum; sh_int load_room; byte spells_to_learn; int alignment; long act; long pref; int wimp_level; byte freeze_level; ubyte bad_pws; sh_int apply_saving_throw[5]; sbyte conditions[3]; char poofIn[MAX_POOF_NEW]; char poofOut[MAX_POOF_NEW]; ubyte spare0; ubyte spare1; ubyte spare2; ubyte spare3; ubyte spare4; ubyte spare5; ubyte spare6; ubyte spare7; ubyte spare8; ubyte spare9; ubyte spare10; ubyte spare11; long spare12; long spare13; long spare14; long spare15; long spare16; long spare17; long spare18; long spare19; long spare20; long spare21; }; struct affected_type_new { sbyte type; sh_int duration; sbyte modifier; byte location; long bitvector; struct affected_type_new *next; }; struct char_file_u_new { byte sex; byte class; byte level; time_t birth; /* Time of birth of character */ int played; /* Number of secs played in total */ ubyte weight; ubyte height; char title[MAX_TITLE_LEN_NEW]; sh_int hometown; char description[MAX_XDESC_LEN_NEW]; bool talks[MAX_TOUNGE_NEW]; struct char_ability_data_new abilities; struct char_point_data_new points; byte skills[MAX_SKILLS_NEW]; struct affected_type_new affected[MAX_AFFECT_NEW]; struct char_special2_data_new specials2; time_t last_logon; /* Time (in secs) of last logon */ char host[HOST_LEN_NEW+1]; /* host of last logon */ /* char data */ char name[MAX_NAME_LEN_SAVE_NEW]; char pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH_NEW+1]; }; /******************** ******************** ******************** ********************/ struct char_ability_data { sbyte str; sbyte str_add; sbyte intel; sbyte wis; sbyte dex; sbyte con; }; struct char_point_data { sh_int mana; sh_int max_mana; sh_int hit; sh_int max_hit; sh_int move; sh_int max_move; sh_int armor; int gold; int bank_gold; int exp; sbyte hitroll; sbyte damroll; }; struct char_special2_data { long idnum; sh_int load_room; byte spells_to_learn; int alignment; long act; long pref; int wimp_level; byte freeze_level; ubyte bad_pws; sh_int apply_saving_throw[5]; sbyte conditions[3]; ubyte spare0; ubyte spare1; ubyte spare2; ubyte spare3; ubyte spare4; ubyte spare5; ubyte spare6; ubyte spare7; ubyte spare8; ubyte spare9; ubyte spare10; ubyte spare11; long spare12; long spare13; long spare14; long spare15; long spare16; long spare17; long spare18; long spare19; long spare20; long spare21; }; struct affected_type { sbyte type; sh_int duration; sbyte modifier; byte location; long bitvector; struct affected_type *next; }; struct char_file_u { byte sex; byte class; byte level; time_t birth; /* Time of birth of character */ int played; /* Number of secs played in total */ ubyte weight; ubyte height; char title[80]; sh_int hometown; char description[240]; bool talks[MAX_TOUNGE]; struct char_ability_data abilities; struct char_point_data points; byte skills[MAX_SKILLS]; struct affected_type affected[MAX_AFFECT]; struct char_special2_data specials2; time_t last_logon; /* Time (in secs) of last logon */ char host[HOST_LEN+1]; /* host of last logon */ /* char data */ char name[20]; char pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH+1]; }; void purge(char *filename) { FILE * fl; FILE * outfile; struct char_file_u player; struct char_file_u_new player2; int okay, num = 0; int i; long timeout; char *ptr, reason[80]; struct affected_type *af; if (!(fl = fopen(filename, "r+"))) { printf("Can't open %s.", filename); exit(); } outfile = fopen("players.fixed", "w"); printf("editting: \n"); for (; ; ) { fread(&player, sizeof(struct char_file_u ), 1, fl); if (feof(fl)) { fclose(fl); fclose(outfile); puts("Done."); exit(); } okay = 1; *reason = '\0'; for (ptr =; *ptr; ptr++) if (!isalpha(*ptr) || *ptr == ' ') { okay = 0; strcpy(reason, "Invalid name"); } if (player.level == 0) { okay = 0; strcpy(reason, "Never entered game"); } if (player.level < 0 || player.level > LEVEL_IMPL) { okay = 0; strcpy(reason, "Invalid level"); } /* now, check for timeouts. They only apply if the char is not cryo-rented. Lev 32-34 do not time out. */ if (okay && player.level <= LEVEL_IMMORT) { if (!(player.specials2.act & PLR_CRYO)) { if (player.level == 1) timeout = 15; /* Lev 1 : 4 days */ else if (player.level <= 4) timeout = 20; /* Lev 2-4 : 7 days */ else if (player.level <= 10) timeout = 25; /* Lev 5-10: 30 days */ else if (player.level <= LEVEL_IMMORT - 1) timeout = 35; /* Lev 11-30: 60 days */ else if (player.level <= LEVEL_IMMORT) timeout = 90; /* Lev 31: 90 days */ } else timeout = 90; timeout *= SECS_PER_REAL_DAY; if ((time(0) - player.last_logon) > timeout) { okay = 0; sprintf(reason, "Level %2d idle for %3d days", player.level, ((time(0) - player.last_logon) / SECS_PER_REAL_DAY)); } } if (player.specials2.act & PLR_DELETED) { okay = 0; sprintf(reason, "Deleted flag set"); } if (!okay && (player.specials2.act & PLR_NODELETE)) { okay = 2; strcat(reason, "; NOT deleted."); }; player2.class=player.class-1; player2.level=player.level; player2.birth=player.birth; player2.played=player.played; player2.weight=player.weight; player2.height=player.height; strcpy(player2.title,player.title); player2.hometown=player.hometown; strcpy(player2.description,player.description); player2.last_logon=player.last_logon; for(i=0;i<MAX_TOUNGE;i++) player2.talks[i]=player.talks[i]; for(;i<MAX_TOUNGE_NEW;i++) player2.talks[i]=0; for(i=0;i<MAX_SKILLS;i++) if(player.skills[i]) player2.skills[i]=player.skills[i]; else player2.skills[i]=0; for(;i<MAX_SKILLS_NEW;i++) player2.skills[i]=0; player2.skills[45]=0; player2.skills[46]=0; player2.skills[47]=0; player2.skills[48]=0; player2.skills[49]=0; player2.skills[50]=player.skills[61]; player2.skills[51]=0; player2.skills[52]=player.skills[54]; player2.skills[53]=player.skills[53]; player2.skills[54]=player.skills[55]; player2.skills[55]=player.skills[66]; player2.skills[56]=player.skills[56]; player2.skills[57]=player.skills[57]; player2.skills[58]=player.skills[58]; player2.skills[59]=player.skills[59]; player2.skills[60]=player.skills[60]; player2.skills[61]=player.skills[62]; player2.skills[62]=player.skills[63]; player2.skills[63]=player.skills[64]; player2.skills[64]=player.skills[65]; player2.skills[65]=0; player2.skills[66]=0; player2.skills[67]=0; player2.skills[161]=player.skills[48]; player2.skills[162]=player.skills[51]; player2.skills[163]=player.skills[46]; player2.skills[164]=player.skills[50]; player2.skills[165]=player.skills[49]; player2.skills[166]=0; player2.skills[167]=player.skills[52]; player2.skills[168]=player.skills[45]; player2.skills[169]=player.skills[47]; player2.skills[170]=0; player2.skills[171]=player.skills[67]; for (af=&player.affected,i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) { if (af) { player2.affected[i].type = player.affected[i].type; player2.affected[i].duration=player.affected[i].duration; player2.affected[i].modifier=player.affected[i].modifier; player2.affected[i].location=player.affected[i].location; player2.affected[i].bitvector=player.affected[i].bitvector; player2.affected[i].next = 0; af = af->next; } else { player2.affected[i].type = 0; /* Zero signifies not used */ player2.affected[i].duration = 0; player2.affected[i].modifier = 0; player2.affected[i].location = 0; player2.affected[i].bitvector = 0; player2.affected[i].next = 0; } } for(;MAX_AFFECT_NEW>i;i++) { player2.affected[i].type = 0; /* Zero signifies not used */ player2.affected[i].duration = 0; player2.affected[i].modifier = 0; player2.affected[i].location = 0; player2.affected[i].bitvector = 0; player2.affected[i].next = 0; } strcpy(,; strcpy(,; strcpy(player2.pwd,player.pwd); player2.abilities.str=player.abilities.str; player2.abilities.str_add=player.abilities.str_add; player2.abilities.dex=player.abilities.dex; player2.abilities.wis=player.abilities.wis;; player2.abilities.con=player.abilities.con; player2.points.mana=player.points.mana; player2.points.max_mana=player.points.max_mana; player2.points.hit=player.points.hit; player2.points.max_hit=player.points.max_hit; player2.points.move=player.points.move; player2.points.max_move=player.points.max_move; player2.points.armor=player.points.armor;; player2.points.bank_gold=player.points.bank_gold; player2.points.exp=player.points.exp; player2.points.hitroll=player.points.hitroll; player2.points.damroll=player.points.damroll; player2.specials2.idnum=player.specials2.idnum; player2.specials2.load_room=player.specials2.load_room; player2.specials2.spells_to_learn=player.specials2.spells_to_learn; player2.specials2.alignment=player.specials2.alignment; player2.specials2.act=player.specials2.act; player2.specials2.pref=player.specials2.pref; player2.specials2.wimp_level=player.specials2.wimp_level; player2.specials2.freeze_level=player.specials2.freeze_level; player2.specials2.bad_pws=player.specials2.bad_pws; for (i=0;i<5;i++) player2.specials2.apply_saving_throw[i]=player.specials2.apply_saving_throw[i]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) player2.specials2.conditions[i]=player.specials2.conditions[i]; strcpy(player2.specials2.poofIn,"\0"); strcpy(player2.specials2.poofOut,"\0"); if (okay) fwrite(&player2, sizeof(struct char_file_u_new ), 1, outfile); else printf("%4d. %-20s %s\n", ++num,, reason); if (okay == 2) fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %s\n",, reason); } } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) printf("Usage: %s playerfile-name\n", argv[0]); else purge(argv[1]); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harvard Law: Under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity, and other variables, the organism will do as it damn well pleases.
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