Re: Solaris Make

From: J\vrgen (
Date: 08/11/95

> I'm running it under Solaris (one of the few things I've actually gotten
>  to compile under Solaris *sigh*)

>    Here is the Makefile I use to compile under Solaris...

> ======================================================================

> # CircleMUD 3.0 Makefile
> #
> # This makefile should work with no changes for compiling under SunOS, Ultrix,
> # NeXTSTEP, HP/UX, DG/UX, and Linux.  If you're using AIX, IRIX, some version
> # of SVR4 or Solaris, uncomment the appropriate lines below.  If you're using
> # some other operating system not mentioned, just type 'make' and cross your
> # fingers..

> #compiler name and flags
> CC = gcc
> MYFLAGS = -g -Wall

> #flags for profiling (see hacker.doc for more information)

> #remove the hash marks below if compiling under AIX
> #CC = cc
> #MYFLAGS = -g

> #remove the hash marks below if compiling under IRIX
> #CC = cc -cckr -fullwarn
> #MYFLAGS = -g
> #LIBS = -lmalloc

> #remove the hash mark below if compiling under SVR4 or Solaris, or if your
> #linker complains that the socket functions such as 'connect()', 'bind()',
> #etc are undefined when you try to compile the server.
> LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl


Skip the -Wall option at MYFLAGS. I think that's an gcc option, 
Suns SparcWorks compiler doesn't recognise -Wall. 

I use these flags: 

CC = cc

-xO2 is full optimization.

Good luck compiling.. :)

// Ziggur @ BlueMage

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