CircleMUD List
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Starting: 08/01/95
Ending: 08/31/95
- ## TONIGHT... ##
- (no subject)
- -1 making something perm
- .nfsblaah
- 2 Questions for you Mudder's
- 3.00bpl8 on DEC OSF/1
- 54 New Thalos
- 54: New Thalos and OTHERS.
- a bug with water sectors?
- A Circle 2.2 thingy
- A question about zones
- ACMD(do_skill)
- Advice...
- affect multipliers
- affect multiplies
- Annoying update on MOBPROGS:
- anyone need a site?
- archive??
- ARGH!!!
- autoassist
- Autoloot
- autowiz.c
- bpl9?
- BUG report
- circle mud - code submission (fwd)
- CircleMUD.. .listings...
- class thang..
- close_socket and Bad pwds AND hanging sockets
- close_socket()
- Code Submission for 'scan' command! - Beta version?
- Coder Needed
- coding.doc
- Colour
- Compile 3.0bpl8 on Sun/Solaris
- Compile 3.0bpl8 on Sun/Solaris (
- Compiling sign.c
- concrete downtime
- Core files
- Crashing circle..
- curious
- debugging
- debugging automation
- Did anyone get my file concerning mudprogs?
- Diggin through the trash...
- Dikued
- disarm
- Disarm problems...
- display question
- disregard last post
- do_newbie
- eliza code is working
- eliza system for muds
- Eq. Numbering in list_obj_to_char
- Equip Newbies (CODE)
- extra attacks
- File Transfer?
- finger.
- fix for close_socket (fwd)
- Formations
- hello
- hi all
- Hiya folks...
- Hiya folks....
- hunt_victim()
- hunt_victim() in mobact.c
- I dunno (races)
- increasing the size of the bitmaps.. (AFF, PLR, PRF) and the , like
- increasing the size of the bitmaps.. (AFF, PLR, PRF) and the like
- Is this a BUG ? Or a feature ?
- Item stacking
- JediMUD source code...
- Languages
- majordomo upgrade
- Making Patches
- max player limit
- misc changes that would be nice..
- mlticlass
- Mob condition during combat
- mob_file equalizer
- MobProg compiling problem
- Mobprog errors...
- Mobprogs
- more fun with sockets
- mortals forcing logoffs
- Mudwalk
- MultiMUD how to extend object values:
- MultiMUD programmers need help :)
- MultiMUD: a better renum_world() [suggestion]
- My position and Ensem MUD
- new attempt at teleport rooms
- No probs with .nfsblaah
- Northern Crossroads
- odd error
- Ok.. A question about drinking.
- on _zone_ editing
- our address is...
- patch
- patch for 3.08 to add new classes
- patches
- patches yeah but
- perform_act inthedark
- Pollution! :)
- Pre-ALPHA Testers Needed for Intermud Server.
- problem manipulating strings
- prototyping
- Races
- Renting
- Running gdb/circle/telnet from one tty
- scabbard / inventory
- Searching...for Alek..
- set file player passwd
- site
- site (fwd)
- sites ya have to pay for?
- Skill additions
- Skills
- Solaris Make
- source for circle
- Starting with 3.0?
- Strength spell bug
- Teleport rooms
- test....please read/respond
- thanks mobprograms
- The CircleMUD with it all
- trouble with adding levels
- uhhh more about my mobprogram patch problems
- Unknown Crashing...
- Wait States
- Where can I find zones for circle
- Where to get MercMud?
- where to get version 3
- your mail
- Zones for circle..
Last message date: 08/31/95
Archived on: 12/18/00 PST
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