Darn, first mail got lost... anyway, to belabor the point, here's my solution of the problem Edward(?) was having... -Billy H. Chan ~{3B:FH;~} <bhchan@csua.berkeley.edu> For more, check out http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~bhchan NovaCmdr. 'Suicide Strom' of Clan Wolf | FiestyFly FireMoth Variant "If you're going under 100kph, you might as well stand still" in db.c within interpret_espec I have: CASE("Attacks") { RANGE(0, 99); mob_proto[i].mob_specials.attack_num = num_arg; } (yes, 99 seems high, but I'm using MonsterManual mobs, so I don't think I'll ever need to go so high) in structs.h within struct mob_special_data: byte attack_num; /* The number of attacks */ and finally, the main enchilada itself, in fight.c within perform violence: { struct char_data *ch; extern struct index_data *mob_index; unsigned int attacks = 1; for (ch = combat_list; ch; ch = next_combat_list) { next_combat_list = ch->next_fighting; attacks = 1; if (IS_NPC(ch)) attacks = dice(1, MAX(1, ch->mob_specials.attack_num)); else { /* PC */ if (number(1, 101) <= GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_SECOND_ATTACK)) attacks++; if (number(1, 101) <= GET_SKILL(ch, SKILL_THIRD_ATTACK)) attacks++; if ((IS_WARRIOR(ch) && GET_NUM_OF_CLASS(ch) == 1) || IS_SAMURAI(ch) || IS_BARBARIAN(ch) || IS_MONK(ch)) attacks += MAX(0, (lvD8(ch) - 2)); } while(attacks-- > 0) { if (FIGHTING(ch) == NULL || ch->in_room != FIGHTING(ch)->in_room) { stop_fighting(ch); continue; } if (IS_NPC(ch)) { if (GET_MOB_WAIT(ch) > 0) { GET_MOB_WAIT(ch) -= PULSE_VIOLENCE; continue; } GET_MOB_WAIT(ch) = 0; if (GET_POS(ch) < POS_FIGHTING) { GET_POS(ch) = POS_FIGHTING; act("$n scrambles to $s feet!", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); } } if (GET_POS(ch) < POS_FIGHTING) { send_to_char("You can't fight while sitting!!\r\n", ch); continue; } hit(ch, FIGHTING(ch), TYPE_UNDEFINED); } if (MOB_FLAGGED(ch, MOB_SPEC) && mob_index[GET_MOB_RNUM(ch)].func != NULL) (mob_index[GET_MOB_RNUM(ch)].func) (ch, ch, 0, ""); } }
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