Re: HEheeh *blush*

From: Brian Gray (
Date: 03/21/96

On Thu, 21 Mar 1996, Hades wrote:

> > Oh while i am posting one quick question.
> > 	Is there a way to determine how meny people a target is fighting.
> for(tmp = world[target->in_room].people; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_in_list)
>   if(FIGHTING(tmp) == target)
>     ctr++;

  Looks about right for what it does.  It would determine how many people 
are fighting a target.  The number of people the target is fighting, on 
the other hand, is always 1 or 0, defined as (FIGHTING(target))?(1):(0).

 -- Mandy, Director of The Multiplex
 -- 4747
 -- psst, email address is in the header

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