Re: Read languages(runes) skill

From: Chris Dodd (
Date: 04/29/96

At 03:04 PM 4/29/96 -0700, you wrote:

>x Make parts of languages ranging from easy-to-comprehend to difficult
>  and the higher learning in the language the more difficult things to
>  comprehend come around.  You'd have to scramble the text or whatnot
>  for this as well.
>x Roll to see if it should show the message or just, "Argyle says some
>  gibberish, possibly in a different tongue."; eg:
>  for (tch = world[ch->in_room].people; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room)
>    if (number(1, 101) >= GET_SKILL(tch, SKILL_SPANISH))
>      act("$n says something in another tongue.", FALSE, ch, 0, tch, TO_VICT);
>    else 
>      act(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, tch, TO_VICT);
>  That's simple code; slightly more realistic than a boolean way, less
>  realistic than language-segments of varying levels of comprehension.
>  In any case, randomly scrambing/unscrambling words to make it seem like
>  a different language is less realistic, because why should I know the
>  word, "is" once and then not know it the next time someone says "is" in
>  the same language?!
>	Anyway, good luck.  Take whatever means suits you.  Personally,
>striving for a realistic language system can be fun and then it can reach
>overkill.  Make sure you test the water before leaping in and possably
>scalding yourself.
Yeah, the read/write skill is a bit harder than the spoken one.  With a spoken
one, if you scramble it it still makes sense.  I am in Japan now, and I do not
remember stuff the first time I see it.  But for characters, I have a good
of remembering how to read them.  Anyway, the main point here is how
realistic to
go, and not be overkill(like you said).  I think I am going to go for the
what your suggestion was, since I really don't like the other options
anyway.  I have
been thinking of this for a while.  Another thing I could do is the scramble
with a set of 'words' that are automatically translated at a certain skill
%.  This
would involve a lot of typing, but perhaps makes the randomness seem a
little better.
Perhaps at 20% you always know 'is' 'the' 'I', etc.  I dont' know, just my

Also, thanks for the help, it has made me think a little harder on it before
I jump
on in.  Should not take too long to code now, but I still need to iron out
WHAT I plan to do :)


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