AIX question

From: Carnage (mercurius!
Date: 05/02/96

Hi all,

Is there anyone who runs his MUD under AIX ( on a RS6000). I've
had the weirdest things going. Is it possible that when the
/var filesystem is full, programs may be aborted by the kernel ??

I've had some strange 'crashes' of my MUD at totally different times
(even while no players where on). No core-file, no logs, no-nothing :(.
No changes to the code were made (it ran steady for 1 month), neither 
was there a world update.

When I discovered the /var filesystem was full I asked the sysop to
clean it up. After that the crashes mysteriously stopped ( without
changing the MUD's code or world).

Anyone got a clue ? I'm stunned :)

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| port 4000 and join the Imagica !    |         ()()()()()        |

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