Re: NEWBIE??: unterminated character constant

From: Brian Pape (
Date: 05/14/96

> gcc -DLINUX -c -O3 -m486 -ggdb -Wall magic.c
> magic.c:3160: unterminated character constant
> make: *** [magic.o] Error 1
> Here is the snippit.  Also, I did not edit this statement
> at all, and it worked and compiled around 15 minutes before...
>         if ( !(obj = get_obj_in_dark (ch, buf, ch->inv)) ) {
>                 act ("You can't find that.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
>                 return;

Check the character string before this one to see if the previous one is

Reign of Towers

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