Re: IDEA: Splitting the list.

From: Daniel W. Burke (
Date: 05/15/96

At 12:56 AM 5/10/96 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>       How about this for an idea, instead of splitting the list. As I 
>see it people want the list split because Circle vetrans are sick of 
>reading the same newbie questions again and again. How about instead of 
>splitting the list, as I see this will be very bad for all newbies, 
>introduce some standard for naming message subjects? eg
>NEWBIE: <subject>
>CODE: <subject>
>IDEA: <subject>
>That way people who want to ignore newbie questions will know which 
>messages to skip over.
>Watcha think?

EXTREMLY Good idea :)  I'm a little behind on my mail reading (200+ messages
in my inbox, so I havn't been to thrilled about weeding through it) but as I
can see, it seems that people (at least the newbies) have started adopting
this method.

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