I've added a portal spell. It works 100% great except with one tiny problem... the portal just won't go away. Can anyone please give me some insight on where I went wrong in my code. I've been at this for a week with no luck. Attached is the limits.c file. Look under the update object section. If you decide to flame me (I do know how to ignore them :), do it with me, not on the list. James A. Young /* ************************************************************************ * File: limits.c Part of CircleMUD * * Usage: limits & gain funcs for HMV, exp, hunger/thirst, idle time * * * * All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * ************************************************************************ */ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "spells.h" #include "comm.h" #include "db.h" #include "handler.h" #define READ_TITLE(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) == SEX_MALE ? \ titles[(int)GET_CLASS(ch)][(int)GET_LEVEL(ch)].title_m : \ titles[(int)GET_CLASS(ch)][(int)GET_LEVEL(ch)].title_f) extern struct char_data *character_list; extern struct obj_data *object_list; extern struct title_type titles[NUM_CLASSES][LVL_IMPL + 1]; extern struct room_data *world; extern int max_exp_gain; extern int max_exp_loss; /* When age < 15 return the value p0 */ /* When age in 15..29 calculate the line between p1 & p2 */ /* When age in 30..44 calculate the line between p2 & p3 */ /* When age in 45..59 calculate the line between p3 & p4 */ /* When age in 60..79 calculate the line between p4 & p5 */ /* When age >= 80 return the value p6 */ int graf(int age, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5, int p6) { if (age < 15) return (p0); /* < 15 */ else if (age <= 29) return (int) (p1 + (((age - 15) * (p2 - p1)) / 15)); /* 15..29 */ else if (age <= 44) return (int) (p2 + (((age - 30) * (p3 - p2)) / 15)); /* 30..44 */ else if (age <= 59) return (int) (p3 + (((age - 45) * (p4 - p3)) / 15)); /* 45..59 */ else if (age <= 79) return (int) (p4 + (((age - 60) * (p5 - p4)) / 20)); /* 60..79 */ else return (p6); /* >= 80 */ } /* * The hit_limit, mana_limit, and move_limit functions are gone. They * added an unnecessary level of complexity to the internal structure, * weren't particularly useful, and led to some annoying bugs. From the * players' point of view, the only difference the removal of these * functions will make is that a character's age will now only affect * the HMV gain per tick, and _not_ the HMV maximums. */ /* manapoint gain pr. game hour */ int mana_gain(struct char_data * ch) { int gain; if (IS_NPC(ch)) { /* Neat and fast */ gain = GET_LEVEL(ch); } else { gain = graf(age(ch).year, 4, 8, 12, 16, 12, 10, 8); /* Class calculations */ /* Skill/Spell calculations */ /* Position calculations */ switch (GET_POS(ch)) { case POS_SLEEPING: gain <<= 1; break; case POS_RESTING: gain += (gain >> 1); /* Divide by 2 */ break; case POS_SITTING: gain += (gain >> 2); /* Divide by 4 */ break; } if ((GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_MAGIC_USER) || (GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_CLERIC)) gain <<= 1; } if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_POISON)) gain >>= 2; if ((GET_COND(ch, FULL) == 0) || (GET_COND(ch, THIRST) == 0)) gain >>= 2; return (gain); } int hit_gain(struct char_data * ch) /* Hitpoint gain pr. game hour */ { int gain; if (IS_NPC(ch)) { gain = GET_LEVEL(ch); /* Neat and fast */ } else { gain = graf(age(ch).year, 8, 12, 20, 32, 16, 10, 4); /* Class/Level calculations */ /* Skill/Spell calculations */ /* Position calculations */ switch (GET_POS(ch)) { case POS_SLEEPING: gain += (gain >> 1); /* Divide by 2 */ break; case POS_RESTING: gain += (gain >> 2); /* Divide by 4 */ break; case POS_SITTING: gain += (gain >> 3); /* Divide by 8 */ break; } if ((GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_MAGIC_USER) || (GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_CLERIC)) gain >>= 1; } if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_POISON)) gain >>= 2; if ((GET_COND(ch, FULL) == 0) || (GET_COND(ch, THIRST) == 0)) gain >>= 2; return (gain); } int move_gain(struct char_data * ch) /* move gain pr. game hour */ { int gain; if (IS_NPC(ch)) { return (GET_LEVEL(ch)); /* Neat and fast */ } else { gain = graf(age(ch).year, 16, 20, 24, 20, 16, 12, 10); /* Class/Level calculations */ /* Skill/Spell calculations */ /* Position calculations */ switch (GET_POS(ch)) { case POS_SLEEPING: gain += (gain >> 1); /* Divide by 2 */ break; case POS_RESTING: gain += (gain >> 2); /* Divide by 4 */ break; case POS_SITTING: gain += (gain >> 3); /* Divide by 8 */ break; } } if (IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_POISON)) gain >>= 2; if ((GET_COND(ch, FULL) == 0) || (GET_COND(ch, THIRST) == 0)) gain >>= 2; return (gain); } void set_title(struct char_data * ch, char *title) { if (title == NULL) title = READ_TITLE(ch); if (strlen(title) > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH] = '\0'; if (GET_TITLE(ch) != NULL) free(GET_TITLE(ch)); GET_TITLE(ch) = str_dup(title); } void check_autowiz(struct char_data * ch) { char buf[100]; extern int use_autowiz; extern int min_wizlist_lev; pid_t getpid(void); if (use_autowiz && GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_IMMORT) { sprintf(buf, "nice ../bin/autowiz %d %s %d %s %d &", min_wizlist_lev, WIZLIST_FILE, LVL_IMMORT, IMMLIST_FILE, (int) getpid()); mudlog("Initiating autowiz.", CMP, LVL_IMMORT, FALSE); system(buf); } } void gain_exp(struct char_data * ch, int gain) { int is_altered = FALSE; int num_levels = 0; char buf[128]; if (!IS_NPC(ch) && ((GET_LEVEL(ch) < 1 || GET_LEVEL(ch) >= LVL_IMMORT))) return; if (IS_NPC(ch)) { GET_EXP(ch) += gain; return; } if (gain > 0) { gain = MIN(max_exp_gain, gain); /* put a cap on the max gain per kill */ GET_EXP(ch) += gain; while (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT && GET_EXP(ch) >= titles[(int) GET_CLASS(ch)][GET_LEVEL(ch) + 1].exp) { GET_LEVEL(ch) += 1; num_levels++; advance_level(ch); is_altered = TRUE; } if (is_altered) { if (num_levels == 1) send_to_char("You rise a level!\r\n", ch); else { sprintf(buf, "You rise %d levels!\r\n", num_levels); send_to_char(buf, ch); } set_title(ch, NULL); check_autowiz(ch); } } else if (gain < 0) { gain = MAX(-max_exp_loss, gain); /* Cap max exp lost per death */ GET_EXP(ch) += gain; if (GET_EXP(ch) < 0) GET_EXP(ch) = 0; } } void gain_exp_regardless(struct char_data * ch, int gain) { int is_altered = FALSE; int num_levels = 0; GET_EXP(ch) += gain; if (GET_EXP(ch) < 0) GET_EXP(ch) = 0; if (!IS_NPC(ch)) { while (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMPL && GET_EXP(ch) >= titles[(int) GET_CLASS(ch)][GET_LEVEL(ch) + 1].exp) { GET_LEVEL(ch) += 1; num_levels++; advance_level(ch); is_altered = TRUE; } if (is_altered) { if (num_levels == 1) send_to_char("You rise a level!\r\n", ch); else { sprintf(buf, "You rise %d levels!\r\n", num_levels); send_to_char(buf, ch); } set_title(ch, NULL); check_autowiz(ch); } } } void gain_condition(struct char_data * ch, int condition, int value) { bool intoxicated; if (GET_COND(ch, condition) == -1) /* No change */ return; intoxicated = (GET_COND(ch, DRUNK) > 0); GET_COND(ch, condition) += value; GET_COND(ch, condition) = MAX(0, GET_COND(ch, condition)); GET_COND(ch, condition) = MIN(24, GET_COND(ch, condition)); if (GET_COND(ch, condition) || PLR_FLAGGED(ch, PLR_WRITING)) return; switch (condition) { case FULL: send_to_char("You are hungry.\r\n", ch); return; case THIRST: send_to_char("You are thirsty.\r\n", ch); return; case DRUNK: if (intoxicated) send_to_char("You are now sober.\r\n", ch); return; default: break; } } void check_idling(struct char_data * ch) { extern int free_rent; void Crash_rentsave(struct char_data *ch, int cost); if (++(ch->char_specials.timer) > 8) if (GET_WAS_IN(ch) == NOWHERE && ch->in_room != NOWHERE) { GET_WAS_IN(ch) = ch->in_room; if (FIGHTING(ch)) { stop_fighting(FIGHTING(ch)); stop_fighting(ch); } act("$n has been sucked into the void.", TRUE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); send_to_char("You have been idle, and are pulled into a void.\r\n", ch); save_char(ch, NOWHERE); Crash_crashsave(ch); char_from_room(ch); char_to_room(ch, 1); } else if (ch->char_specials.timer > 48) { if (ch->in_room != NOWHERE) char_from_room(ch); char_to_room(ch, 3); if (ch->desc) close_socket(ch->desc); ch->desc = NULL; if (free_rent) Crash_rentsave(ch, 0); else Crash_idlesave(ch); sprintf(buf, "%s force-rented and extracted (idle).", GET_NAME(ch)); mudlog(buf, CMP, LVL_GOD, TRUE); extract_char(ch); } } /* Update PCs, NPCs, and objects */ void point_update(void) { void update_char_objects(struct char_data * ch); /* handler.c */ void extract_obj(struct obj_data * obj); /* handler.c */ extern struct index_data * obj_index; struct char_data *i, *next_char; struct obj_data *j, *next_thing, *jj, *next_thing2; /* characters */ for (i = character_list; i; i = next_char) { next_char = i->next; gain_condition(i, FULL, -1); gain_condition(i, DRUNK, -1); gain_condition(i, THIRST, -1); if (GET_POS(i) >= POS_STUNNED) { GET_HIT(i) = MIN(GET_HIT(i) + hit_gain(i), GET_MAX_HIT(i)); GET_MANA(i) = MIN(GET_MANA(i) + mana_gain(i), GET_MAX_MANA(i)); GET_MOVE(i) = MIN(GET_MOVE(i) + move_gain(i), GET_MAX_MOVE(i)); if (IS_AFFECTED(i, AFF_POISON)) damage(i, i, 2, SPELL_POISON); if (GET_POS(i) <= POS_STUNNED) update_pos(i); } else if (GET_POS(i) == POS_INCAP) damage(i, i, 1, TYPE_SUFFERING); else if (GET_POS(i) == POS_MORTALLYW) damage(i, i, 2, TYPE_SUFFERING); if (!IS_NPC(i)) { update_char_objects(i); if (GET_LEVEL(i) < LVL_GOD) check_idling(i); } } /* objects */ for (j = object_list; j; j = next_thing) { next_thing = j->next; /* Next in object list */ /* If this is a corpse */ if ((GET_OBJ_TYPE(j) == ITEM_CONTAINER) && GET_OBJ_VAL(j, 3)) { /* timer count down */ if (GET_OBJ_TIMER(j) > 0) GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)--; if (!GET_OBJ_TIMER(j)) { if (GET_OBJ_VNUM(j) == 31) { if (GET_OBJ_VAL(j,0) > 0) GET_OBJ_VAL(j,0)--; if (GET_OBJ_VAL(j,0) == 1) { if ((j->in_room != NOWHERE) &&(world[j->in_room].people)) { act("$p starts to fade!", FALSE, world[j->in_room].people, j, 0, TO_ROOM); act("$p starts to fade!", FALSE, world[j->in_room].people, j, 0, TO_CHAR); } } if (GET_OBJ_VAL(j,0) == 0) { if ((j->in_room != NOWHERE) &&(world[j->in_room].people)) { act("$p vanishes in a cloud of smoke!", FALSE, world[j->in_room].people, j, 0, TO_ROOM); act("$p vanishes in a cloud of smoke!", FALSE, world[j->in_room].people, j, 0, TO_CHAR); } extract_obj(j); } } if (j->carried_by) act("$p decays in your hands.", FALSE, j->carried_by, j, 0, TO_CHAR); else if ((j->in_room != NOWHERE) && (world[j->in_room].people)) { act("A quivering horde of maggots consumes $p.", TRUE, world[j->in_room].people, j, 0, TO_ROOM); act("A quivering horde of maggots consumes $p.", TRUE, world[j->in_room].people, j, 0, TO_CHAR); } for (jj = j->contains; jj; jj = next_thing2) { next_thing2 = jj->next_content; /* Next in inventory */ obj_from_obj(jj); if (j->in_obj) obj_to_obj(jj, j->in_obj); else if (j->carried_by) obj_to_room(jj, j->carried_by->in_room); else if (j->in_room != NOWHERE) obj_to_room(jj, j->in_room); else assert(FALSE); } extract_obj(j); } } } }
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