Re: Autoequip

From: Per Widerlund (
Date: 06/01/96

> 	As far as I know -- it makes no difference.  So if you want to cut
> out that from equip_char it shouldn't make a difference.  Or you could set
> their in_room to 'r_mortal_start_room' -- it'll be changed to the
> appropriate value (which probably is r_mortal_start_room, anyway) when
> they press '1', so just doing:
>   d->character->in_room = r_mortal_start_room;
> 	Before the code to autoequip will work fine.

That could result in some strange results with the light in
r_mortal_start_room. I don't like any of the solutions very much. The
equip should be performed after the player has entered a room.. But
that would need quite a lot of work. I think I'll stick to plan A.
(Just suppressing the error message in equip_char and unequip_char.)

/Per Widerlund, RiftMUD

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