I recently added more cardinal directions to my MUD (northeast, southwest, etc.). It works fine, but in 'autoexit' and in 'exit' only the first letter of the exits is shown, so instead of lookin something like Exits: n nw e se I get: Exits: n n e s How can I configure exit and autoexit to take the first two letters of the new directions son that northwest is 'nw' and north is only 'n'? Thanks for your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Visita Agharti!!! | Carlos Rodriguez http://wwww.chs.itesm.mx:8080/ | crodrigu@campus.chs.itesm.mx crodrigu/Agharti/ | webadmin@campus.chs.itesm.mx | http://www.chs.itesm.mx:8080/crodrigu/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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