Re: Mobs gossiping?

From: Sliver (
Date: 09/12/96

Skylar wrote:

> In do_gen_comm, there is a check like this:
> if (!ch->desc)
>   return;
> Take that out... mobs dont have descriptors... this will give mobs the
> possibility to shout/gossip/etc... there is still a small problem where
> mobs share a slot with players... PLR_ flags are in the same place as the
> MOB_ flags, so say a MOB_AGGR_EVIL will be PLR_NOSHOUT and be unable to
> shout I believe... you're on your own with that one though :)
> -Sky

Ok, I took out the line, but whenever a mobile is supposed to gossip,
the mud crashes!
Any suggestions?

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