Re: [Circle] [Code] falling

From: Erik (
Date: 11/14/96

> void fall_char(struct char_data *ch) {
> int rooms_fallen, down_room, dam;
> rooms_fallen = 1; /* Falling in the same room is considered 1 room */
> down_room = world[ch->in_room].dir_option[5]->to_room;
> for (ch->in_room; !down_room; down_room) {
>   rooms_fallen ++;
>   send_to_char("You fall!\r\n", ch);
>   char_to_room(ch, down_room);
> }

  You havent changed the value of down room. You initialize it first just 
fine, but as the code is looping, down_room needs to also change.

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