Re: Emblamer (?) was Re: [Admin] Snippets Site

From: JTRhone (
Date: 12/04/96

>  - mendar
> /* start of the proc stuff... */
> int get_people_room(int room)
> {
>   struct char_data *person;
>   int i=0;
>   for(person=world[room].people ; person; person=person->next)
>     {
>       if(person)
>         i++;
>     }
>   for(person=world[room].people; i; person=person->next)
>    {
>      i--;
>    }
>   return person;
> }

Just a quick note:
These two for loops will start at person and traverse the character_list
LL.  I think the intention is to traverse the people list in a given room,
so the increments should be person = person->next_in_room.

vall aka jtrhone roa

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