Zedit bug..

From: Mike Sulmicki (mikesul@CapAccess.org)
Date: 01/22/97

  I downloaded oasis, and it compiled and works, for the most part, fine.
In zedit, however, when you go to 'load mobile to room', and set up a 
command to load a mob, oasis replaces an M command in another zone with
a copy of the one you just added (i.e. loads a tiger instead of a shopkeeper,
and other annoying stuff like that). This isn't terrible or anything, but
it does get on my nerves a bit.. If anyone has any ideas or pointers to
how to fix the bug or where it might be, any help would be appreciated.
(keep in mind i'm a newbie coder though, hehe)


|_Mike Sulmicki________________________________mikesul@CapAccess.org_|
|      Check out AxxenfallMUD, at sulmicki.erols.com 4000            |

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