Re: Magic

From: Shane (wolff@J51.COM)
Date: 07/28/97

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Patrick J. Dughi wrote:

#        What I want to do is re-organize all the spells in such a way that
#you can define spell "groups". Fireball, fire finger, flame strike,
#burning hands, fire storm, lava arrow, etc.. these would all be in the
#"fire" group. Then, you can easily setup something like "resistance to
#fire" or races that are fire-immune (phoenix, fire elementals, etc).  Of
#course, there'd be a bunch of physical types, what I've got is
#fire, ice, electricity, water, air/gas, direct-magic (like curse, or magic
#missile), impact/slash, charm-types (sleep, charm, etc), healing/curing,
#and summoning and thats about it.  Are there any spells out there  of
#a type that I'm missing do you think? And any good suggestions about the
#style of implentation?

Why do that? just add a few flags to the spells, or just edit the intact
spell system. Then you can make something like.. AFF_FIRE_RESTANT and set
it as inante to the race.(someone posted code like that).

-shane (head coder, Dark Phantasy

 ____  _
/ ___|| |__   __ _ _ __   ___   -%-   Shane Wolff (
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