Re: [newbie] [space] Looking for room for a mud.

From: Eian Counts (ecounts@KNOX.NET)
Date: 07/30/97

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Ghost Shaidan wrote:

> we take up, with everything (including a few storage dirs for offline
> conversion of zones) about 40meg HD space. (This doesnt include 3 differnt
> FULL back ups on 3 physically seperated machines)
> when we are running with 15 people on (a bit higher than our average) we
> hit about 10meg memory usage (not sure on the swap)

hehe, ok you guys have already scared everybody away. ;) 10megs for a
basic installation of circle? The src and wld files for v3bpl11 (on my
Win3.1/DOS ok, don't laugh, no I haven't ported it, would *you* want to
put up a Win3.1 system on the Internet? :) only takes up about 3megs, does a
pfile with 200 users really take about 7megs? As far as the ram goes, I
can see that, but on a 128+ system would 10 megs be missed that much?
*shrug* Well, it looks like my love affair with CircleMUD ended before it
started. :p


Has anybody thought of finishing the olc that comes with v3bpl11 (olc.c
and olc.h)? It would at least be a start......

- Eian

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