Re: [Way Off Topic] C++ Mailing List?

From: Gerhard Poul (gerhard@CCC.AT)
Date: 09/01/97


Are you interested in this Mailing List??

If you would be the owner, I can setup one for you...

(also digest and a web archive)


> From: Michael J. McGillick <mike@DUNGEON-MASTER.COM>
> To:
> Subject: Re:  [Way Off Topic] C++ Mailing List?
> Date: Montag, 1. September 1997 18:59
> David Eliott wrote:
> >
> > Since I dont have Access to Newsgroups, does anyone know of a C++
> > Mailing list? Or any IRC Servers with good Programming Channels?
> > I dont want to bother the list anymore with C++ Specific questions, and
> > I do seem to be having some troubles...
> >
> > If anyone has good advice for me, write me... And if you just want to
> > tell me RTFM, then I'll just tell you that I have all the books I need,
> > and I've read them... But sometimes things just get harder than what
> > books cover... or at least the ones I have.
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
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> >      +------------------------------------------------------------+
> >      | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
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> >      +------------------------------------------------------------+
> As a personal project of mine, I decided to take the stock Circle code,
> and convert it slowly over to C++.  I am a fairly good C programmer, but
> fairly new to C++.  What I would really like to do is to get some
> responses from people on this list who would like to see Circle ported
> over to C++.  From viewing the messages on the list, I can see that some
> people understand the language inside and out, and others, like myself,
> could really benefit from their knowledge.  I would be more than happy
> to maintain a list of people interested in sharing ideas and approaches
> to solving problems.  If you're interested in something like this,
> please drop a short email letting me know.
> First question - Can anyone recommend a good book that explains
> sockets?  I'm trying to understand in depth what the code does right
> from the the first command in main().  It's amazing how the Circle MUD
> code shows you just how little you thought you knew :)
>      +------------------------------------------------------------+
>      | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
>      | |
>      +------------------------------------------------------------+

     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     | |

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