Re: Various cool Problems !

From: Ron Hensley (ron@CROSS.DMV.COM)
Date: 09/03/97

On Tue, 2 Sep 1997, Uffe Svanstrom wrote:

> >> int counter;
> >> ~~~cut
> >> if (get_hit(ch) <50 && counter <1)
>    and here i load in the mob
> >> counter = 1;

Use a static int, not an int. Static variables, maintain there values
between invocations of the function

static int counter=0;

if (GET_HIT(ch) <50 && counter <1)
>    and here i load in the mob
> >> counter = 1;

The first time the function is called counter is set to value 0.
The second and all other times it is called, it is NOT initialized to 0.
It instead, still has whatever value you left it in last time.

For an example of this, see the code for the midgard mayor

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