Re: "bugs" (Was: [code] switch bug (sort of))

From: Edward Glamkowski (EGlamkowski@MATHEMATICA-MPR.COM)
Date: 10/07/97

>It is SO annoying when the MUD tells me I can't do that. (Of course
>with the source code I just go fix that...)

Which brings up a point for the next release of the source:
the NODROP flag, and that it prevents even immortals from
dropping items that have this flag.  Now that is a "feature"
        I'd also say imps should be allowed to start  fights
in PEACEFUL rooms and cast magic in NOMAGIC rooms, but that
is probably more a matter of taste.
        But I really belive the NODROP thing should be "fixed"
for future releases.
There was one other similar "feature", but I can't remember
what it was off the top of my head...

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