Re: [Code][Newbie] Adding some stuff in *DO*NOT*CHANGE* structs ?

From: StormeRider (silk@ICI.NET)
Date: 12/10/97

>I wanted to implement a dispel spell, which would remove a spell (or
>several) on someone. The trick is that I wanted to have different chances
>to work depending on level of caster and level of the guy who casted the
>spell you want to cancel.

Planning on doing this myself, eventually. Or rather have one of my coders
do it, since the magic system is supposed to be his thing.

>But, I wasn't able to get where the level of COSTC (caster of spell to
>cancel :) ) is located. I even believed it is not stored (as it might not
>have appeared to be necessary). So I wandered around code, and found the

I believe you are correct.
>following struct in structs.h :
>/* An affect structure.  Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
>struct affected_type {
>   sh_int type;          /* The type of spell that caused this      */
>   sh_int duration;      /* For how long its effects will last      */
>   sbyte modifier;       /* This is added to apropriate ability     */
>   byte location;        /* Tells which ability to change(APPLY_XXX)*/
>   long bitvector;       /* Tells which bits to set (AFF_XXX)       */
>   struct affected_type *next;
>which seems to be the struct to modify to add a int level variable in it.
>But it's written *DO*NOT*CHANGE* ...
Unless you pwipe or have ascii pfiles, listen to it. =)

>So, I think there might be another way to code a level of COSTC ? Or is it
>already in, but I missed it ? Or is it safe to modify this struct ? If so,
>what modifications should I do to rest of code to handle the modification
>Sorry if it's a damned easy question or it has been answered many many
>times ...

My suggestion: switch to ascii pfiles. *grin* 'Tis that simple. With ascii
pfiles you can add things without the worry of fubar'ing something up as
easily, and if you do, that's what pico/vi/ed/emacs/etc is for. And your
needs of wiping player files decrease to almost nill...

StormeRider                  ---                 --- telnet://

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