Well, got the primary bugs ironed out of the namechange function but there's one minor problem. It changes it fine and saves the pfile, but doesn't update the plr_index. I have tried calls to build_player_index and save_player_index and neither of them work. Copied over and still can't log in as the changed name. Code below: ACMD(do_namechange) { struct char_data *vict; char *oldname; char arg1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; half_chop(argument, arg1, argument); half_chop(argument, arg2, argument); if ((!*arg1) || (!*arg2)) { send_to_char("Usage: namechange <character> <new name>\r\n", ch); return; } if (!(vict = get_player_vis(ch, arg1, 0))) { send_to_char("They aren't here.\r\n", ch); return; } if (GET_LEVEL(vict) > 5) { send_to_char("You can't change the name of someone over level 5.\r\n", ch); return; } sprintf(buf, "(GC) %s changed %s's name to %s.", IMM_NAME(ch), GET_NAME(vict), arg2); mudlog(buf, BRF, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE); oldname = strdup(GET_NAME(vict)); GET_NAME(vict) = strdup(arg2); save_player_index(); build_player_index(); save_char(vict, vict->in_room); send_to_charf(ch, "%s is now known as %s.\r\n", oldname, GET_NAME(vict)); send_to_charf(vict, "%s has changed your name!\r\n", IMM_NAME(ch)); send_to_roomf(vict->in_room, "%s is now known as %s.\r\n", oldname, GET_NAME(vict)); } StormeRider --- http://www.windsofstorm.net/wos/ silk@ici.net --- telnet://cmoo.com:4004 +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://democracy.queensu.ca/~fletcher/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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