Re: divided damage

From: Edward Glamkowski (EGlamkowski@MATHEMATICA-MPR.COM)
Date: 01/22/98

>I have in my mud types of damage, very similar to elemental stuff: fire,
>cold, electricity, poison, and just general damage.  I have it
>bit-vectored, so damage could be both fire and electric, or cold and
>poisoned, or something like that.  Problem comes around when I come to my
>resist _blank_ damage and _blank_ immunity code.  If an attack has
>multiple qualities to it, but one damage call, how would I reduce a
>portion of the damage?
>If I am not making sense, let's say I'm in a fight against someone with a
>flaming sword.  The item "flaming sword" has both bits for fire and
>general damage, and has a 3d8 damage roll.  But I have fire resistance at
>75%; currently, the resistance code will--upon a successfull roll--reduce
>damage from a total 3d8 roll, even though some of the damage is due to the
>hard steel hitting my head, which fire resistance has nothing to do with!

The easiest solution (though not the best ;) is to just declare
that non-general damage does a constant percentage of the damage
in all cases.  So, 75% of the damage from a hit with a flaming
sword is fire damage, 25% general.  And, 75% of damage from the
Vampiric Sword of Blood Sucking is from the energy drain and 25%
is general damage.  Etc.
Then, apply your resistance to that percentage, and if they have
immunity, just completely subtract that percentage from the total


/* d = damage */
if (RESIST_FIRE(vict) && IS_SET(wielded(ch), WEAPON_FIRE)) {
  d = ((d * (.75 / NUM_SPECIALS(wielded(ch)) * (1 - RESIST_VALUE(vict)))
        + (d * .25)

Then you need the corresponding macros, of which the only interesting
ones are NUM_SPECIALS, which figures out how many special attack types
the weapon has (usually 1) and RESIST_VALUE, which is the amount of
damage negated by the resistance (100% in the case of IMMUNE_xxx).

The NUM_SPECIALS lets you have more than one special type on a weapon,
say, a Negative Material Plane Mace, which does cold damage and energy
drain damage, then splits that 75% non-general damage in half for each.
So, the cold damage = 37.5% of the total damage, and the energy drain =
37.5% as well.

This shouldn't be too difficult to imp, although it is fairly
If these weapons have their own flag in the obj file (like an E flag,
but sets the special attack type) you could add an extra field to the
flag that is a percentage of the total damage that that special attack
does on each hit.  Then use that percentage instead of a constant.
Shouldn't be too much more work.

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