Re: Exp & Thac0 tables after adding levels

From: Mike Schlagenhauf (mschlag@CS.PURDUE.EDU)
Date: 01/22/98

On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Edward Glamkowski wrote:

> >Along those same lines, is anyone else as frustrated with the general
> >level of 'throwbackiness' inherit in muds? Why are there player 'levels'?
> >Why are rooms separated by 'zone', and not loaded statically into a grid
> >array? Why in god's name do we still have 90% of all muds using those same
> >tired six stats for characters?
> Because that's the way Diku was, which was based upon AD&D, and that's
> how AD&D is... ;)

Okay, I've got a newbie-ish question to this, maybe not so newbie, who
knows...  How has everyone determined the hit and damage die for their
mobs?  i.e. How do you know that a giant orc hits 4d7 damage?  Or a weapon
for that matter?  Is there some really simple explanantion (other than
buying an AD&D book that lists the tables) that would help me figure this
out?  I know the basic principle behind it, and know how to figure out the
average damage that such a hit will do, but I guess what I'm asking is how
can I make up a table for builders so that _they_ know what damage to put
with xx level mob?  Thanx!

Mike Schlagenhauf
"A friend is a person who sticks with you through all the trouble they've
caused you..." -- Marylin vos Savant

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