Damage for Mobs

From: ;P (siv@CYBERENET.NET)
Date: 01/23/98

> Okay, I've got a newbie-ish question to this, maybe not so newbie, who
> knows...  How has everyone determined the hit and damage die for their
> mobs?  i.e. How do you know that a giant orc hits 4d7 damage?  Or a weapon
> for that matter?  Is there some really simple explanantion (other than
> buying an AD&D book that lists the tables) that would help me figure this
> out?  I know the basic principle behind it, and know how to figure out the
> average damage that such a hit will do, but I guess what I'm asking is how
> can I make up a table for builders so that _they_ know what damage to put
> with xx level mob?  Thanx!

it really depends on how you've designed your player characters, and what
you want for you them to be able to do...for example, we based our mob
design on the warrior class...we took how many hit points, anticipated
hitroll, damroll, etc..and decided that a mob of the same level should be
able to beat a warrior of that level (barely)..so we tested and
tweaked..and this is the template that we came up with:

Lev  MaxHp   AC  Hitroll Damroll+AvgDam=TotDam   Exp    Gold
  1     20  100     0       0      5      5       1k     100
 10    250   50     8       2      8     10       9k      1k
 20    750    0    12      10     15     25      50k      5k
 30   1500  -20    17      15     15     30     100k     10k
 40   5000  -40    23      20     20     40     200k     15k
 50  10000  -50    30      25     25     50     400k     25k
 60  20000 -100    38      30     30     60    1 Mil     50k
 70  30000 -150    47      35     35     70    2 Mil    100k
 80  40000 -200    57      40     40     80    4 Mil    200k
 90  50000 -250    70      50     50    100    8 Mil    500k
100  60000 -300   100      70     70    140   15 Mil   1 Mil
+100 120k  -1k    200     200    200    400   15 Mil   ? Mil


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