Re: [CODE] Overloading the quivering horde of maggots

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 02/11/98

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, X Schiltz wrote:

>I'm working with a dismemberment system, everything seems to be going
>fine, except for the small detail that the MUD crashes at the point that
>the limbs are returned unto the ground from which they came(ashes to
>ashes, memory to memory buffers). I GDB'ed the core and it told me that
>I'm having a problem with TQHoM (The Quivering Horde of Maggots), I
>checked a decaying corpse, and it went OK. So that wasn't the problem.
>Even one limb decaying wasn't the problem. Due to a small bug, however,
>that I'll get around to fixing, I spurt out tons of limbs. What I'm
>wondering is:
>(<Read below for big question instead of beating around the bush like up
>Does one think that I'm overloading the maggots by calling them for 10+
>eats at the same time?

Nope, it should not matter.

Try 'bt' 'info locals' and 'list' on the code in GDB after it crashes.
Make sure to print the values in the corpse too.

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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