Re: Bitvectors

From: Tony Robbins (tonyr@NWPACLINK.COM)
Date: 02/15/98

At 08:02 PM 2/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
>On Sun, 15 Feb 1998, Guyang Mao wrote:
>> I've got about 37 bitvectors on obj extra affect field.  I've got the
>> dig and bury commands in recently and the item_buried flag won't set.
>> Do I need to get 128 bitvectors patch for this?
>If you've not modified how flags are handled, then you proabably have
>around 32 flags and just ran out.
>Yes, you need the 128 bits snippet or patch for this or something similar.
>There are quite a few methods available to increase the number of bits
>that you have for flags, but I don't know the details behind any of them
>other than the 128bit.txt that is available from the snippets page.
Gotta take this opportunity to inform you that my 128-bit patch(es) are
available on and then Chris Powell's is on

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