Re: no_pki~1.txt

From: George (greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 03/22/98

>-int perform_move(struct char_data *ch, int dir, int need_specials_check)
>-  else if (!EXIT(ch, dir) || EXIT(ch, dir)->to_room == NOWHERE)
>-    send_to_char("Alas, you cannot go that way...\r\n", ch);
>+   /* prevents players from using AFK as proection*/
>+  else if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PLR_AFK)) /* this varies */
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^
>[...]  Just had to point that out.  That's kinda odd, I thought.
>And what exactly is this check for, I was wondering?

I didn't catch that one, but it is also a very bad idea to do. :)

The check is to "prevent(s) players from using AFK as proection", ie: the
point of the code was to prevent attacking AFK characters.  That check is
to prevent people from leaving AFK on as a way to prevent attack.

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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