[CODE] Level Restriction Define in do_wear and Do_wield

From: Quinn ShadowStalker (quinn@MUD.COMSYS.NET)
Date: 05/17/98

Ok I finished writing my own code for object level restrictions, but I
cant get them properly defined in the code, anyone wanna help me?
this is what I got so far but its not working :(  Plus I dunno how I would
define this in do_wield.

   if (GET_OBJ_LEVEL(obj) > GET_LEVEL(ch) {
    send_to_char("You have to be a higher level to wear that!\r\n", ch);

|Matt Roach - owner of OnyxMUD            | "I dont have bugs... just    |
|matt@shiva.ml.org    quinn@mud.comsys.net| randomly created features!"  |

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