Re: [CODE] [REQUEST] Automapper

From: Joe Rykowski, Sysop (cyklop@CW2.COM)
Date: 05/23/98

CI>> A road
CI>> ####r####
CI>> ####r####
CI>> f###*rr##
CI>> ff####r##
CI>> fff###r##
CI>> You are travelling upon a dirty old road.
CI>> Exit(s) [ n e s w ]

CI>Wow. Real Hard. Just incorperate the map into the description. Sure,
CI>It'll take a bit longer to load, but it won't have to run the automap
CI>code everytime someone moves or looks. Oh, and the exits thing is just a
CI>varient of the autoexit code.

HARD CODE it?  No way!  What would the point of that be?  An automapper
routine should handle parsing the surrounding rooms and generating a
displayable map on it's own.. so if the zone changes shape and expands
(and that never happens, heh) then there is no need to worry about
redrawing all of the maps..  I suppose if one had a tiny MUD and wasn't
planning on doing much expansion, then simply hardcoding the maps into
the description would be an option, but for a robust, flexible, and
highly active MUD an automapper routine is a must.

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