Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Web site

From: Del (caminturn@EARTHLINK.NET)
Date: 08/21/98

Better yet, how about a means to cast a spell on a character for opening a
door or trying to use a certain command?

not only limiting it to one spell...

Abyss wrote:
> At 10:02 AM 8/21/98 -0400, you wrote:
> >ObCircle:
> >I'm interested in hearing suggestions for pl6 of DG Scripts. What's already
> >been put into them as new features:
> >    mdoor and odoor commands (like wdoor)
> >    mtransform -<vnum> now lets the new mob get its own hp/max hp/exp
> >        rather than retaining those of the transofrming mob
> >    Xsend/Xecho/Xechoaround commands can be replaced with %send%, etc.,
> >        making the commands non-attach-type specific
> >    scripts can not attach/detach scripts to mobs/objs/rooms by id
> >    there are now zone commands to attach scripts and set globals
> How 'bout an obj & mob trigger/command that would poison a char?
> Example use of this would be to have a chest or door that upon opening,
> would poison a char.
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