Re: [Code]AFF2 Flags

From: Edoardo Spelta (espelta@GOEMON.POLITO.IT)
Date: 09/13/98

> I have run out of AFF flags in my mud and I need to add more, so I
> attempted to add AFF2, but it doesn't seem to work properly. If anyone
> knows how to do this please mail me the code I should add and where I
> should add it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.

i guess you're in deep trouble, i had the same problem when i started
working on the mud and didn't know it very well...
I 'patched' the problem creating another bitvector and cloning every part of
the code regarding old affections, (affected_type2,affect_modify2 ..etc..)
I won't suggest this method to my worse enemy...
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