[SKILL] Hide/Hidden...bizzare!

From: Julian Buckley (buckley@PC.ELEC.UQ.EDU.AU)
Date: 09/22/98

Hi list...

In my everpresent quest to get skills upgraded and stuff like that, I was
looking at the hide skill.  Fair enough.  But then I noticed that
basically, if so-and-so hides, what actually happens is that a (hidden) is
place at the end of their long_desc when one looks at the room.  I checked
out bpl14, and it seems to be present there as well.  This eventuates even
without sense_life being cast on the player.

What is the process for making sure that if a PC (or NPC) is hidden, that
in "look" (and its alternate subroutines) the player (PC/NPC) *cannot* be
seen when someone looks at the room?

Was also thinking, is it possbile to say, make a piece of equipment
*hidden*?  That is, instead of the old trick of making a blank long_desc,
is it *easily* possible to make a piece of equipment load somewhere, but
not have the players see it without sense_life?

Any ideas/comment appreciated.


 Julian Buckley, 2nd Year Computer Systems Engineering
 Dept. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Qld
 E-Mail: buckley@pc.elec.uq.edu.au

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