From: Sean Daley (sdaley@BBNPLANET.COM)
Date: 10/25/98

What version of circle is that?
I've got the base circle 14 installed (nothing from
the CVS tree patched in and I haven't added anything
to it either) and the actual lines in my code are

else if ((GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMPL) && !IS_NPC(victim))

So only imps can actually do it anyway.


>  A stock bug a lower level god can switch into a higher level god if he
>is linkdead. After this line...
>else if ((GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_GRGOD) && !IS_NPC(victim))
>    send_to_char("You aren't holy enough to use a mortal's body.\r\n", ch);
>+else if ((GET_LEVEL(ch) < GET_LEVEL(victim))
>+  send_to_char("You WISHED.\r\n",ch);
> else {
>    send_to_char(OK, ch);

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