Re: Signal traping

From: George (
Date: 11/17/98

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Edoardo Spelta wrote:

>I haven't understood completely what signals are, but i have a problem
>with them:  i must include a piece of code in my CircleMud which i cant
>change or recompile (the new code obviously) that uses the two usually
>unused signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2.  These two signals are already in use
>by the mud..are there other user signals which i can assign ?  the mud
>would conflict with the new code if i don't do anything..

Some of these may be available:

Signal          Comments
SIGWINCH        MUD shouldn't receive a window resize if in background.
SIGINT          You won't be able to CTRL+Z the MUD anymore, use SIGSTOP.
SIGTRAP         GDB will be useless.
SIGPROF         Don't profile (-pg in gcc) your code.
SIGUNUSED       Duh.

Not all may be available and I haven't tested the above.

George Greer, | Genius may have its limitations, but   (mostly) | stupidity is not thus handicapped.    |                  -- Elbert Hubbard

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