Re: mounts

From: Shane Augustine (
Date: 02/22/99

Hrmm but that way I wouldn't be able to save the mobs level, name, equipment
or any of that stuff.  I want players to be able to improve their characters along

with their mounts.

Acido wrote:

> At 01:18 AM 2/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >I was thinking about saving mounts so that you could  rent them. So
> >before quitting, you would have to rent the mount at a stable.  Any idea
> >how to do this?  I'm
> >guessing i would create functions like obj_from_store and
> >obj_to_store...
> >Would I create a new struct for mounts? and perhaps create a pointer in
> >the
> >player structure such as struct mount_data *mount.. or this is an
> >entirely wrong
> >way of doing it?
> You woul propably only want to store the mob vnum in the playerfile somewhere
> and then upon login load the mob with that vnum. It is a bad idea to store the
> actual mob as it may not be present next time the char logs in!
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