Re: Linux Platforms (Was: [NEWBIE] More Cygnus questions)

From: Jamie T Honnaker (
Date: 03/21/99 is the best place I have seen to get a copy of linux,
whatever flavor you like, for under $10, including shipping.

-The Guru
-Jamie Honnaker

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Julian Buckley wrote:

> > Dont know much about cygnus, other than i got it to work somehow.  anyway,
> > linux is between 400MB-1000MB depending on what you put in it, and its
> > available from
> I note the failure here to mention the "other" forms of Linux.  i.e.
> slackware (, Debian ( among a few.  Why
> is it that Mud Admins prefer Redhat over any other form of Linux?  I've
> heard that "RedHat is easily more configurable etc", but for an
> experienced sysadmin, why should this even be an issue?
> -Caniffe
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