This mud I'm working on has 300+ levels, but when I do a player wipe, we con only get level 53 max...I'm thinking it's a problem of only being able to advance 256 levels...any ideas? Shane Pilo Computer Science Major George Fox University ,. '\'\ ,---. | \\ l\\l_ // | | \\/ `/ `.| | /~\\ //~\ | Y | | || Y | | \\ // | | \| | |\ / | [ || || ] \ | o|o | > / ] Y || || Y [ \___\_--_ /_/__/ | \_|l,------.l|_/ | /.-\(____) /--.\ | >' `< | `--(______)----' \ (/~`--____--'~\) / U// U / \ `-_>-__________-<_-' / \ / /| /(_#(__)#_)\ ( .) / / ] \___/__\___/ `.`' / [ /__`--'__\ |`-' | /\(__,>-~~ __) | |__ /\//\\( `--~~ ) _l |--:. '\/ <^\ /^> | ` ( < \\ _\ >-__-< /_ ,-\ ,-~~->. \ `:._ (___\ /___) (____/ (____) `-' +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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