New problem...the max levels now work right the first time, but they don't save to the link list correctly...same problem of not being able to go over 256...any ideas on this one? Shane Pilo Computer Science Major George Fox University ,. '\'\ ,---. | \\ l\\l_ // | | \\/ `/ `.| | /~\\ //~\ | Y | | || Y | | \\ // | | \| | |\ / | [ || || ] \ | o|o | > / ] Y || || Y [ \___\_--_ /_/__/ | \_|l,------.l|_/ | /.-\(____) /--.\ | >' `< | `--(______)----' \ (/~`--____--'~\) / U// U / \ `-_>-__________-<_-' / \ / /| /(_#(__)#_)\ ( .) / / ] \___/__\___/ `.`' / [ /__`--'__\ |`-' | /\(__,>-~~ __) | |__ /\//\\( `--~~ ) _l |--:. '\/ <^\ /^> | ` ( < \\ _\ >-__-< /_ ,-\ ,-~~->. \ `:._ (___\ /___) (____/ (____) `-' +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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