Re: [CODE] Rent flag..

From: Ron Hensley (
Date: 03/30/99

Assuming it is sending the message to the user, but then letting them quit
anyway, that would be because your code keeps happily executing the rest of
the quit code after sending the message. Try changing that to

 ~  if (IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(ch->in_room), !ROOM_RENT)) {
 ~     send_to_char("This doesn't look like a good place to camp.");
 ~     return;
 ~  }

>   if (IS_NPC(ch) || !ch->desc)
>     return;
> ~  if (IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(ch->in_room), !ROOM_RENT))
> ~    send_to_char("This doesn't look like a good place to camp.");
>   if (subcmd != SCMD_QUIT && GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT)
>     send_to_char("You have to type quit--no less, to quit!\r\n", ch);
>   else if (GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING)
>     send_to_char("No way!  You're fighting for your life!\r\n", ch);

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